Welcome to St Michael's Primary School Nelson Bay

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Vision Statement

To live the joy of the Gospel and share it in the world

St Michael’s Primary School, Nelson Bay is centred on the person and message of Jesus Christ.

St Michael’s Primary School is steeped in the Mercy traditions, is a community of faith-filled learners working together under the motto of ‘Truth and Trust’. Our Catholic identity is enriched by the teachings of Jesus to create a respectful, inclusive, safe and caring environment. All are encouraged to be active disciples following the example of Jesus; to become informed citizens, leaders and successful lifelong learners.

For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ (Corinthians 12:12)

Mission Statement

We, the students, staff, parents, priest and parish, work towards St Michael’s being:

  • An inclusive and diverse community based on witnessing and living the joy of the Gospel where all are welcome.  

  • A community where staff, parents, students and parish work together.

  • A community where the joy of the Gospel is lived and celebrated through prayer, liturgy and service.

  • An innovative learning community, which encourages each student to become an informed citizen.

  • A community which celebrates the gifts and abilities of all its members.

  • A community that supports student well-being and encourages them to grow in resilience, self-confidence and independence.

  • A community which encourages all to be stewards of creation. 

Commitment to Safeguarding

We the staff of St Michael's are committed to promoting the safety, welfare and wellbeing of all in our community through implementing and maintaining compliance with the National Safeguarding Principles for Child Safe Organisations and the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards.